Crawford Gives 2024


Crawford Gives 2024 is Happening NOW - Make Your Gift Today!

The Crawford Heritage Community Foundation's annual Crawford Gives will take place over ninety-six hours from Saturday, August 24 through midnight on Tuesday, August 27. This special event allows generous people and businesses the opportunity to support local nonprofit organizations such as Friends of Drake Well, Inc. Our goal for Crawford Gives 2024 is to raise $5,000 in funding to be used to offset transportation costs for schools visiting Drake Well Museum and Park in the 2024-25 academic year*.

Donate NOW by visiting! A portion of a prorated match pool will be added to each donation you make to Friends of Drake Well when you give through the Crawford Gives website or deliver cash or a check to the Crawford Heritage Community Foundation between August 24 and 27, 2024.

*Drake Well Museum welcomes hundreds of schoolchildren each year, providing educational and interpretive programming on Drake Well and the Oil Region National Heritage Area's crucial role in the founding and development of the modern oil industry. Due to rising costs it has become difficult for schools to pay for transportation for field trips. The funding raised through Crawford Gives will be used to alleviate those costs, making it easier and more affordable for schools to plan their visit to Drake Well Museum. Last year Friends of Drake Well raised almost $2,000 during Crawford Gives for school transportation costs, using the entire amount to help five schools that visited Drake Well in spring 2024. We want to be able to assist even more schools this coming year so that they can bring their students to our site and learn the importance of Pennsylvania's early oil days and their effect on our world today.